Monday, May 13, 2013

Considerations for the Motor Impaired Child

When sitting down to play with a child with a motor impairment, one of the first things to think about is the skill level of your child. Can he/she grasp independently and release the ball into a maze? How high can he/she reach? Can he/she use a switch or vocalize to request “help” or “more”? 

The next thing to consider is positioning. Ask yourself what position is the most functional for your child. Can he reach high enough to place the ball at the top? Does she have enough trunk support to vocalize?

·        You may need to adjust the height of the toy to make it easier for your child to reach.
·        A non-verbal child can use a point or eye gaze to request a ball or to choose the color of the ball. You may want to use photographs for increasing the level of representation or to begin early matching.
·        Try to position yourself so that you can easily make eye contact with your child and follow their gaze.

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